Hello,This is me!

Nelly Rosaline

Graphic Designer Trip Addict Nature Admirer

About me


I'mNelly Rosaline

Graphic Designer

Call me Nelly! although some of my friends call me Nelsa, it's a combination of my first and last name. I have several hobbies such as traveling, swimming, and creating some unique things. I'm also interested in handicrafts and recycled items, I prefer to do it myself for any gifts that I want to give for someone's birthday, I feel it's kind of a special touch to any gift I've ever made. People around me say that I am an energetic, creative, hardworking, communicative and adaptable person, but they don't know if I am also a careless and unpredictable person. Oh ya! I made my first design when I was in 4th grade, I remembered my first lovely PC still using windows XP. So much fun!


Graphic Designer


Creating some outline illustrations, combining with mineral stones. Make sure we have content for Instagram post, stories, and blog post.

Personal Assistant


Assist the Co-Owner. Backup the meeting appointment, checking the goods stock and quality, do consignment with the 5* stars hotel.

Customer Service


Serves customers by providing product and service information and resolving product and service problems.

Social Media Marketing


Making content for instagram feed and stories, create website, google and IG ads.

interpersonal skill

Time management

I am experienced in managing schedules, and putting them on a priority scale. I work 8 hours in the morning, and study my IT major at night. I am also active in the English Club at the university as a leader and help teach unschooled children in the market as volunteers


I created a few things by myself, for the example I decor my room with giant flower on the wall, and sometimes I also make them into flower bucket for my special friends in their special event.


I experienced in a few club in the past. I was active in the theatre club as head production for some perform projects, active as the reporter and graphic designer in the pers club and managed the weekly Wall magazine at school. I also have experienced as the leader of English club at my university.


Worked as a customer service in 2017, I got my new skill in there. I learn how to persue some customer to believe what I recommended. I implemented that skill at school as well, my friends say that I am the most confidence person when presenting something in the clas.


Having the opportunity to be a leader for several projects and clubs, made me learn how to manage, think smart and fast the easiest way a team can do to get great results. This is the super fun part in my life to do! Arranging the people and I who have their own shape like a piece of puzzle and thinking how to put them in the correct place to reach our goal.


When I was the leader, I really vigour about how to create a few event than could make the name of the club more blow out to the public. I did successfully 10 out of 12 event plan in 1 year. It also caused by supportive teamwork of the member. I am so blessed to have them to make my crazy dreams come true.~











Hola semua!

Minggu ini adalah minggu yang membahagiakan, karena aku dan 3 kawan ku akan melangsungkan wisuda dibulan Maret 2021.

Pengalaman Tes Antigen

Halo semuanya!

Aku mau cerita pengalaman ku saat test antigen untuk mengetahui apakah aku positif atau negatif akan wabah covid-19.

Saat itu seorang dokter dari suatu klinik datang untuk mengetes setiap orang yang ada di kantor tempat ku bekerja.

Jadi alat yang dimasukkan ke dalam hidung itu seperti brush maskara tetapi lebih kecil dan lebih halus berwarna putih.

Alatnya itu steril ya!✨ Karena dibungkus dalam package khusus yanh baru dibuka jika ingin digunakan, seperti jarum suntik.  Pertama dimasukkan ke dalam lubang hidung sebelah kanan, lalu kiri. Pada proses ini, secara otomatis biasanya pasien akan meneteskan air mata. but it was still fine ya✌️

Lalu hasil lendir atau cairan hidung itu dimasukkan ke dalam tabung kecil, dan diisi dengan cairan khusus. Setelah diaduk-aduk, cairan yang telah bercampur itu di teteskan keatas alat tes antigen yang berbentuk seperti tes kahamilan.

Setelah menunggu beberapa menit, akan terlihat garis merah, dimana jika 2 garis yang terlihat berati pasien positif, jika hanya satu garis berarti negatif. Syukurnya saat itu hasil semua orang di kantorku negatif. ✨

Oiya saat proses tesnya, aku saranin nafas melalui mulut dulu ya! Karena jika melalui hidung, sedangkan alat tersebut sedang memasuki hidung, saat bernafas alat tersebut akan ikut tersedot makin dalam yang bikin makin ugh!.

My 23rd Birthday!

Holaa everyone!!

Tanggal 28 Januari yang lalu, aku genap berusia 23 tahun. Sungguh moment yang menyenangkan!

Tahun ini aku merayakannya di kantor bersama teman. Aku mendapatkan beberapa hadiah dari satu teman divisi visual, dan kue yang lezat dari ibu Boss.

Hari itu makanan sangat melimpah, mulai dari roti untuk sarapan tiap orang, makan siang, sepotong kue, dan yang terakhir pizza untuk semua orang!❤️✨

Hari itu sangat luar biasa!
Malamnya pun tak kalah seru, kedua saudara laki-laki ku pun juga ikut memeriahkannya, dengan pesta kecil di kamar ku.
Sangat bersyukur mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bisa merasakan rahmat tuhan di usia ku yang ke-23 ini.

Stay safe, and health everyone!

Their story about me

Hi Nelly, I'm so happy you're joined our team last year. Your work, dedication and commitment is outstanding. I always feel I can rely on you and your beautiful smile. Thank you!

Meri Geraldine

CEO and Founder Gardens of The Sun

The first time you visited my place with your English Club's member and asked me to be the speaker of your event, I see you are such an ambitious girl, your positive spirit sparkling around you.

T. Patrick Van Kampen

Owner Yayasan Pranidhana Language School

Hi Nelly! Thank you for organizing my stuff so well, especially for all the files for the uber scuba diving logbook. Thank you for connecting me with the right person who can handle my files as good as you. I wish you success!


Office and Accommodation Manager of Uber Scuba Gili Trawangan

Hi honey, thank you for your help for arranging the photoshoot appointment at your place. I blessed to meet you, you are very kind girl. Thanks dearest.

Kerry Grima

CEO and Founder Kerry Grima Resort Wear

Nelly you're so amazing, thank you for putting me in the priority when I am in the rush. You're really helpful to safe me prepare all the things I need for my event.

Rhonda Swan

Author, International Speaker

Hello hello darling. This is kiara from artful ink bali. I wish you still worked at Supa. Thank you for you help and thank you for putting me in contact with the right people. Have a merry christmas and happy new year, hopefully I can meet you again!


CEO and Founder Artful Ink

Keep spirit! without your help it might be very difficult, thanks for this far.I hope in the future we can meet again, if you need delivery please don't hesitate to contact us again, always successful!


Sales Marketing of Bayus Cargo

Thank you for inviting me to be a speaker in your event. I appreciated that you can handled a lot of people in your group to make a great event.

Gerry Cramer

Investor, Keynote Speaker

Nelly Rosaline
+62 81 337260940
Bali, Indonesia